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Browse our wide selection of eyeglass frames for men, women, and children. Available in a variety of colors, materials, and shapes to suit your style and needs.

VOGUE VO 5430D W656 53

Rs 5,500.00

VOGUE VO 5430D W44 53

Rs 5,500.00

VOGUE VO 5420 3086 51

Rs 5,500.00

BURBERRY BE 2410 4121 51

Rs 8,200.00

VOGUE VO 5378 2386 51

Rs 5,500.00

BURBERRY BE 2407 4116 49

Rs 10,900.00

BURBERRY BE 2407 4063 49

Rs 10,900.00

BURBERRY BE 2390 3853 50

Rs 7,700.00

BURBERRY BE 2389 4087 42

Rs 7,700.00

PRADA PR A03V 13P1O1 50

Rs 8,700.00

PRADA PR A19V 14R1O1 52

Rs 9,300.00

PRADA PR A03V 18Z1O1 50

Rs 8,800.00

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With Our Opticians OR Call Us at (+230) 5258 4843