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Eye cancer, watch your eyes closely

Le cancer de l'oeil

Cancer unfortunately affects all organs, even the eye. Il existe en effet plusieurs types de cancer. However, there are not many cases worldwide each year and all types of cancer derived from that of the eyes are rare diseases. What would partly explain this situation would be the fact that it remains a poorly understood and poorly detected eye disease. As with all other types of cancer, early detection allows for timely care and treatment.

Eye cancer: what are the symptoms

For a cancer diagnosis, here are the telltale symptoms to watch out for:

  • Blurred vision or loss of sight
  • Une tache dans l’œil, incluant l’iris
  • Redness or irritation of the eyes
  • A repetitive appearance of shadows or flashes always in the same place
  • A lump in the eye
  • A vision with floating objects or wavy lines
  • The pupil that dilates or narrows

Most of these signs are caused by partial retinal detachment. A Funduscopic Examination helps to clarify the diagnosis. The latter is a simple test to analyze the fundus of the eye.

Eye treatments available

Radiation therapy, often used for other types of cancer, is also available for this vision disorder. This therapy takes the form of proton therapy, which involves the use of proton beams. The form of treatment, however, will depend on the age of the patient, the size of the tumor and its location in the eye. Another possible solution is brachytherapy, which is in fact irradiation of the tumorusing radioactive elements in contact with it. In other cases, if the tumor is too large or there is a recurrence, surgical removal of the eye may be the only solution.

How to prevent eye diseases

Above all, you must regularly make an appointment with your optician. In general, wearing sunglasses protects against UV rays. However, you have to buy them from specialists. In addition, for all activities that could affect the eyes, do not hesitate to wear protective glasses, such as painting or other DIY involving the handling of dangerous chemicals.

The eyes are one of the most sensitive parts of our body. Everyone dreads going blind. The treatments are available, it just shouldn’t be done too late. On a daily basis, they should be regularly hydrated, rested, strengthened with some eye gym and provided with the necessary nutrients.

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