• 139 Route Royale, Beau Bassin-Rose Hill, Mauritius
  • Monday to Saturday 09hr30 to 17hr30, Closed by 1pm on Thursday


We have moved to a Bigger and Better outlet : Our Journey so far!

Since the late 80’s Patel Optics has been serving Mauritians with top-notch eye care services. It was founded by Mrs Nusrat Patel set up the first in Beau Bassin who recently passed the leadership of the enterprise to her son, Ijaz. Over the years we have experienced tremendous growth by expanding our business activities. As a result of the increase in-shop visits, we decided to relocate to a bigger and better building to accommodate more customers while maintaining proximity from the old location. Front of our new outlet Our new outlet offers a better and convenient workspace than the previous one. Besides being more spacious, modern and comfortable,  importantly, our people make here lovable and a joy to visit. [gallery size="large" ids="48954,48953,48951,48952,48939,48957"]   A highly motivated customer service team has…

Night blindness, here are our tips!

At night, our eyes work differently and we see differently. In fact, it is even more difficult to see at night with fatigue and with age. This can become a real danger if, for example, you often drive at night. So here are some great tips: What is night blindness? A person suffering from night blindness does not mean that they go completely blind at night. This disorder means that an individual will have difficulty distinguishing objects or shapes in the dark. Poor night vision is a symptom of an underlying eye condition that causes visual impairment in low light. For example, poor night vision could prevent someone from seeing stars at night or obstacles in a dark room. What are the causes of night blindness? Age Age is a…

Eye health and Covid-19, how to determine the true from the false?

Following the pandemic which has just affected the whole world and which is still wreaking havoc in many countries, myths and hearsay are becoming very recurrent. So what should you know about Covid-19 and eye health? Today we're answering the most frequently asked questions!   It is advisable not to touch your eyes, mouth and nose. What if you wear contact lenses or eyeglasses?   It is strongly advised not to touch your face, and if you wear glasses or contact lenses, it is hardly possible not to do so. So it is best to wash your hands for 20 seconds, as recommended by the WHO, before touching your face. Hygiene is the watchword here.   Do you have to wear gloves when putting on your contact lenses?   If…

Myopia, do you know the 20/20/20 rule?

There are many risk factors for myopia, but the two most common are:   1 / genetics, that is, if the parents are nearsighted, the child tends to be nearsighted too. 2 / excessive practice of certain activities forcing the eyes to work closely, such as reading, embroidery, certain video games. Thus, the eye muscles contract when looking up close but relax when looking at a distance.   Therefore, if constant close work is done, for example, using the screen for long hours every day, without a break, the muscles constantly contract. This leads to eye strain. As a result, when looking at a distance, these muscles find it difficult to relax. Muscles become weak and less elastic, resulting in blurred vision at a distance.   That is why we…

Dry eye syndrome, how to fix it?

Our eyes are the window to the world, allowing us to fully experience each moment. The slightest concern with our eyes can cause headaches. The good news is that a large part of vision problems can be corrected or avoided with proper eye care. You just have to make sure that you regularly make an appointment with your optician and that any vision problem is treated as quickly as possible. Today we will see the case of dry eyes that affect many people, and in particular, a third of adults. Consequences, treatments, we tell you everything in this article ... Dry eye syndrome: the causes At the eye level, you should know that it is the tear glands that produce tears. They spread over the entire surface of the eye…

Le syndrome des yeux secs, comment y remédier ?

Nos yeux sont la fenêtre sur le monde, nous permettant de vivre pleinement chaque moment. Le moindre souci avec nos yeux peut provoquer des maux de tête. La bonne nouvelle, c’est qu’une grande partie des troubles de la vue peut être corrigée ou évitée grâce à des soins oculaires appropriés. Il faut simplement s’assurer de régulièrement prendre rendez-vous chez son opticien et de traiter le plus vite possible tout problème de vue. Nous verrons ensemble aujourd’hui le cas des yeux secs qui touchent plusieurs personnes, et notamment, un tiers des adultes. Conséquences, traitements, on vous dit tout dans cet article… Syndrome des yeux secs : les causes Au niveau des yeux, il faut savoir que ce sont les glandes lacrymales qui produisent les larmes. Ces dernières se répandent sur toute la…

Can Covid-19 affect our eyes?

We are still in a health war. Covid-19 is still rife across the world, and even though in Mauritius we have no new cases, caution is in order. What about our eyes? Does Covid-19 have an impact on our eye organs? We tell you everything in this article…   The Covid-19, all about the virus   The Coronavirus most often reveals itself through mild symptoms, such as a common cold, but it can also cause more serious problems, such as a difficulty in breathing, which can sometimes result in a hospitalization. It may also not generate any symptoms, but the risk of contamination is just as high. People with weaker immune systems, such as seniors, are most at risk.   Coronavirus, what about our eyes?   Covid-19 can actually cause…

Contact lenses, how to take care of them?

If you wear contact lenses, you obviously need to take care of them. They demand much more attention and care than prescription glasses. Find out with us what are the right actions to preserve and properly maintain your contact lenses. Contact lenses require much more care Contact lenses are more fragile than prescription glasses, and since they are in direct contact with the eye, it is necessary to know the hygienic gestures to take care of them. How to clean your lenses? - With a cleaning solution: leave your lenses in the solution and you can rub them with your index finger; - Each time you are going to use your lenses, throw away the solution in the case and add a fresh solution. It's best to keep your contact…

Vision problems, the symptoms

Decreased visual acuity, black spot in the eye, red or watery eyes, these visual symptoms cannot be taken lightly. Note that 3 consultations with an optician result may reveal a much more serious pathology. You are reluctant to go see an ophthalmologist? This article will give you tips and can make you change your mind. Symptoms that should be causes for concern If your eyesight starts to change suddenly, we strongly recommend that you go for a consultation. Here are some symptoms that should alert you: Decreased visual acuity, this may be due to retinal detachment; Deformation of the lines, an inevitable sign of AMD, that is, age-related Macular Degeneration; The appearance of blackheads which can be the result of a hole in the retina or in very rare cases,…

Le cancer de l'oeil

Eye cancer, watch your eyes closely

Cancer unfortunately affects all organs, even the eye. Il existe en effet plusieurs types de cancer. However, there are not many cases worldwide each year and all types of cancer derived from that of the eyes are rare diseases. What would partly explain this situation would be the fact that it remains a poorly understood and poorly detected eye disease. As with all other types of cancer, early detection allows for timely care and treatment. Eye cancer: what are the symptoms For a cancer diagnosis, here are the telltale symptoms to watch out for: Blurred vision or loss of sight Une tache dans l’œil, incluant l’iris Redness or irritation of the eyes A repetitive appearance of shadows or flashes always in the same place A lump in the eye A…

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